Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just printed out our MDP report! Finally, another assignment down (:

CB test is over too!

And my Monday morning was quite the drama scene.

Because it was raining like mad 10mins before I had to go out of the house, it resulted in flooding at the bus stop! Yes, FLOODING.

I swear the water went up slightly above my ankles!

Taken with my lousy handphone camera. I want a new phone!

Yeah, so given that kinda situation where the water was constantly flowing around, one side of my slipper got washed away when I attempted to walk across to board the bus.

I chased for it. Got irritated and decided to take off my other side of the slipper. So, I walked bare footed in the water towards the bus while holding onto my slippers and only wearing it again when I got on the bus safely.

How embarrassing.